Week 1 - Why the Mind lab journey?
- to challenge myself to learn new Technologies
and to digitally enable myself to enable and support my learners
- Keep informed with current (modern day) Pedagogy and practice
Digital & Collaborative Learning (DCL) - The Purpose of Education
Week 1 Task: Reflect on how your understanding of the purpose of education is visible in your classroom.
Week 1 Task: Reflect on how your understanding of the purpose of education is visible in your classroom.
The purpose of education……
My views
- inspire learners to develop the 4 C’s
(Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity)
- fun and engaging
- safe, positive learning environment
- to build trusting relationships with learners, teachers and parents, whanau and wider community
How is this visible in my classroom?
The nature of my job enables me to teach in a Technology Specialist classroom and our newly refurbished Innovative learning spaces.
Flipped classroom – Using online videos for instructions so that learners can work at their own pace. It allows me to walk around the room and engage with the learners and answer any questions they may have. This has also helped me develop a good relationship with my learners.
- Learning has been celebrated at our recent trash to fashion show where garments were showed cased at this event. Students wore their design outcomes.
- Photographs of outcomes are displayed on walls and available to learners on google drive.

- Kahoot quiz - played at the end of the lesson to ‘test’ their knowledge and understanding as to what they have learnt. This creates an engaging, fun way to end a lesson.
- Below are some pictures of engagement using Kahoot
Class dojo to reward students alongside school PB4L
Class dojo is a simple, collaborative and positive classroom management online system I use.
I find that this tool engages the students. It makes the classroom atmosphere more competitive and students are given the opportunity to nominate other students for positive learning behaviours.
Learning Reflections are recorded online using google forms- this learning is shared with the class while the learners are reflecting. As the answers are submitted it is made visible to the class on the TV screen.
Reflections are shared and discussed.
Learners have the opportunity to work collaboratively with others/ in pairs or groups. They also have the choice of working on their own. A choice is given to learners to use a device or pen and paper to complete set tasks.
The concept of tuakana/teina or reciprocal learning and teaching is visible in my room. Often the Year 8 learners will peer teach the Year 7 ‘s. They find this empowering and appreciate the leaderships skills encouraged to develop.
Where to next in my classroom……???
- Engage within the school blog page, write a blog online
- Encourage learners to blog their learning in Technology
- Set up and invite learners to a Google classroom
How will I record and share my learning with the wider community?
Facebook - Joyce's E learning Journey
Twitter - @ redgurami
Blog - blog
Interlead Appraisal System
Prep for Week 2 -
What 60 Schools Can Tell Us About Teaching 21st Century Skills: Grant Lichtman at TEDxDenverTeachers
What 60 Schools Can Tell Us About Teaching 21st Century Skills: Grant Lichtman at TEDxDenverTeachers
- Innovation is exploding - design/ creative spaces
- teach into the unknown (we don't know what the future holds)
- Self evolving learners - to face challenge ( we need to become self evolving organisations)
- we need to embrace change and become self evolving as well
- we need to embrace change and become self evolving as well
- Timeless skills define success
- to collaborate
- Prepare students for their future...not our past
- to collaborate
- Prepare students for their future...not our past
John dewey - http://dewey.pragmatism.org/
The industrial revolution - cause for teacher and chalk talk ( Teacher in front of class)
Putting a problem in front of the kids - eg give the students a glue gun / fastenings
Discovery...allow the learners to discover, Create....inquire
Remove the anchors...break down the dams...allow innovation to explode.
Lot's to think about. Lot's to share and help lead the change within my school.
Remove the anchors...break down the dams...allow innovation to explode.
Lot's to think about. Lot's to share and help lead the change within my school.
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