Saturday, 20 February 2016

Week 7 - DCL Blending Learning (Flipped Classroom)

  • Week 7 - DCL - Blending Learning (Flipped Classroom)
Chris Clay - Blended Learning/ Flipped classroom ( face to face situation into a virtual situation)
Blended Learning -
khan academy -
Creativity and open end
Virtual - software, online community, video

Simulations/ Projects/Real world Mathematics - stats, geometry/ Real world games

What could the future of the physical classroom look like?

School of the future ….

Flipped Classroom
The flipped classroom is a form of blended learning that brings together advances in education and technology to deliver instruction online, outside of class, via video, and moving 'homework' into the classroom. The end result is a personalized, engaging learning experience for every student — whatever their learning style, pace, or ability.

With the teacher at the front and seats in rows, the classroom has barely changed in the last century. But we now know that there's no “one size fits all” approach to learning – and the flipped classroom model brings together advances in education and technology to provide a personalized, engaging learning experience for every student – whatever their learning style, pace, or ability.

Use google docs - for homework…( reading or watching a video)
get students to ask questions...encourage to answer other…
Face to face time to recap discussions…
Podcasts...Videos for class…

The effect size of homework - Hattie??? ( improvement of learning)

change from industrial ( work) Now….Learning

I leave jobs when it feels like work...Chris Clay

Learning what we teach...and what is learning???

We are trained to teach??

"Learnification"… The purpose of Education

In class flipping…. - solve the riddle
  • engaging in cognitive level

Four Pillars of Flipped Learning
Flipped learning requires
  • Flexible environments
  • a shift in Learning culture
  • Intentional content
  • Professional educators
Tips for a better flipped classroom (see
  1. Devise a flipped strategy
  2. Start small
  3. Get student buy-in
  4. Teach parents, too
  5. Teach students how to watch videos (Really!)
  6. Encourage (don't punish) students
  7. Don't use videos as the only engagement tool
  8. Make videos short and interactive
  9. Find fellow flippers
In-Class Flipping (See
Besides the fact that it avoids the home-related problems of a traditional flip, the In-Class Flip has other advantages as well:
  • The teacher can observe whether students are really watching.
  • The initial exposure to the video content has a better chance to sink in.
  • Hardware is (presumably) safer.
In-Class Flipping is not without its own challenges:
  • It doesn't make for tidy one-period lesson plans.
  • More preparation is required at the beginning. .
  • Technically, you don’t "gain" more class time.
Blended Models (see
These blended learning models come from the Clayton Christensen Institute
  • Rotation model
    • Station Rotation
    • Lab Rotation
    • Flipped Classroom
  • Flex model
  • A La Carte model
  • Enriched Virtual model


Week 7 - LDC - Leading Online Discussions

  • This week for the Leadership part we were encouraged to - Participate in a facilitated Twitter discussion. (On Twitter follow @NZMindLab and use #MindLabED
  • I am familiar with twitter. I only use this for learning in education. Alongside this I use twitter to follow some Foodie celebs from around the world.


This week discussed .....

What makes a good Leader?

I used to create this brainstorm.... It is similar to wordle.

We went on to discuss ....
How are you a natural Leader…..what kind of leader are you??

reflect on your natural ways of doing things….
I have just started to provide online learning resources to my students….the use of these are limited..
How do I increase the engagement with DLearning resources when students are outside the classroom?

How Have I acted as a leader?

I have researched about how students can learn outside the classroom…
Then Shared some of the ways eg using google classroom or Edmodo to enable learning happen outside the classroom
I have Shown the learners how to set up their accounts (showing)
Made resources available online eg worksheets, recipes ( so that learners can read online before they come to class)

Natural ways
running the trash to fashion show….
Using google docs to share resources and plan together…
Overview and job descriptions for the whole staff
But we never used to this much work….

Building leaders in children - using year’s to assist with Year 2 class - biscuit

Your score is:
Authoritarian 22
Procedural 25
Transformational 37
Participative 38
Laissez Faire 39
Note down your scores then see below.

Screenshot 2015-12-10 17.04.57.png

Leadership Theories….For assessment   Theories could be talking about styles…

Mendley word plug it out..
Theory -
Style -

Theory is the umberalla...of different styles

Change initiaitive - something new in your class..

  • what you have led
  • what was successfull what wasn’t and link with theory /line up with

Focus on theory….1

  • need to hand in a report ( use it to check your referencing)
  • How to use Turnitin - material on the portal

Critical Reflectionis an extension of critical thinkinkg ….pink slide

Maori leadership
( original referencing….) Google scholar

Emotional intelligance -
Unitec Library….

Week 6 - DCL - Connected learning and Connectivism

Watch the connective learning video

Why Connected learning video ( what does it mean)
  • Approach to learning
  • how learning operates
  • social connectivity
  • real world problems
  • networked world
  • open eco system
  • real world engagement
  • classroom - community links
  • technology allows access to learning

How could the learning - yours and your students be more connected?
Google plus

Google Drive
Google classroom/ Teacher dashboard
emailing teachers….
Skype (other classes)
Links with schools across the world
student blogs
online gaming -
play based learning
Design based learning ( teach skills first)

The key competencies and play based learning….

Networking is Learning….

children need to critically reflect
we knowledge from each other…
What do you need to change?
Celebrate learning in the library
School expo to share learning

Blog for 2016…. For technology

why would this be beneficial?
Is the kid engaged…
need to know
in schools we are focused on outcomes and forget the process/ passion for learning.

curious, engaged citizens…
Increased engagement increases achievement


is a learning theory for the digital age.
Learning has changed over the last several decades.
The theories of behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism provide an effect view of learning in many environments.

How the learners uses the Technology to learn.
interacting with learning online anytime and anywhere

  • Know-how and know-what is being supplemented with know-where (the understanding of where to find knowledge needed).

(blogging allows for different relationships)
tap on other blogs...creativity..
connect, we build we advance

Global blogger -  
social connective process of learning ( THAT IS me)

Biological level - nerouns connect and fire

Network learning through spaces eg twitted, Facebook

Online presence…..
Emotions on computer

George Siemens Moocs
Massive Open Online Courses
Moocs rising
MOOC - new way of connecting people around the world - looking at connectivism. MOOCs are rising

How connected is your presence as a teacher?

  • Interview a group member in order to design a learning network / personal learning environment

  • Design a learning network / personal learning environment for this person
My piktocart created by Dee